Categories: Opinion

Consistency Is a Clutter Cutter With Heidi Vine

21 June 2024

Heidi Vine

Marketing Manager at Harris Real Estate

Consider this: across the entire real estate landscape, people have never had as much access to tools than they do today. Someone looking to tell their home can begin their research by jumping online, searching their home, and finding out the estimated value of their home on They can get a median house price in an instant, view recent sales in their area, and search every agency within a five kilometre radius.

So now consider how you fit into this. Your point of difference as an agent or agency comes down to your customer service offering and your consistency in the market. For Potential vendors, you’re just a number on a list on a screen. The market is cluttered with countless people doing the same thing. But if you’re at least consistent, you’ll cut through the clutter. 

Through my time as Marketing Manager for Harris, I’ve found the most successful agents are the most consistent. Agents can often feel trapped when it comes to marketing because they want to be perceived as fresh and exciting – but it’s important to keep your focus simple and clear. When it comes to social media, prioritise a strong message that’s the same platform to platform. This doesn’t just mean posting consistently, it means taking into consideration if your name, social media handles, and information are the same on Facebook as they are on Ratemyagent. This also means making sure they way you talk and write is the same too. 

At Harris, one of our blogs is about real estate lingo/terms because even vendors don’t understand what a vendor is. We really try to focus on using simple customer-friendly language.

Consider how you talk to your audience when you’re chatting to them at an open home, can you adjust your captions on social media to reflect the same language? 

The same goes for posting frequency. A big piece of advice I have is this: if you’re not going to post on a platform, say Facebook, then don’t use it. Not using a platform damages this view of consistency if you haven’t posted for two years. It’s also important to consider if there’s amazing content you want people to see, but you posted it many posts ago. Users aren’t going to scroll your feed. You can pin posts to make sure this is the first thing on your profile. Or you can try to make sure the last six posts are always reflecting what you want to showcase about your service. 

So to summarise. Just keep it consistent. There’s a million different ways to do this, but I’d focus on three things: choosing the right platform, securing the right names and handles, and creating a posting schedule. From there, it should all fall into place. 

After some more marketing secrets? Read our opinion piece on building a personal brand

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