Categories: Opinion

How to Properly Give Back to the Community

13 December 2023

Written by Acme Mag

In a world where transactions and commissions are a driving force behind working hard, how can agencies create a culture of altruism? How can they form an environment where agents care as much about the community as they do their wallets? Clarke & Humel Director Michael Clarke says it needs to start from the top: management.

“We have to [give back to the community]. Otherwise we’d be the conceited buggers going around in the European cars with the flashy seats,” says Michael.

Since the business’s inception in 2012, Clarke & Humel have always been involved with their local community in Manly. This drive to give back has stemmed from one simple ethos: running a business is not about the people who run it. 

“Cherie [Humel] came from the perspective right from the outset that building a business is actually not about your own lives; It’s about helping the people who work in the business, our local community and of course everyone who chooses us to help them with their home, in whatever capacity we might be able to do that.”

The business made the decision early on to get involved with places and causes that meant something to both management and staff as a whole. This meant being local, being able to physically participate in events, and being able to give up time.

“We’re embedded within the Northern Beaches community. You know, there are thousands of very, very worthy charities out there. But we want to make sure we’re giving back to organisations where we feel a connection to the cause, be that because it’s local or because we have a personal connection to it in some way.”

“It’s not just writing some blank check to fulfil an obligation. So, as an example, in the past we’ve supported the Manly Tennis Centre. We know the couple they’re a family business – we want to support that.”

“Similarly, last year we did this Cancer Council Dancing with the Stars event. That was loads of fun because not only were we raising money for cancer, but I got a wonderful excuse to dance with Cherie again. So that was great. We love that.”

For Clarke & Humel, it’s never been about getting their name out there – with one exception: Michael and Cherie’s son’s soccer team.

“That one is entirely for ego. Because if there was another real estate agency-branded on my son’s top as he ran out onto the soccer field, I couldn’t deal with it. Everything else is about genuinely giving back, except for that one. Cherie would absolutely kill me for saying that, by the way.”

So, how can you follow in Clarke & Humel’s footsteps and create a culture where your whole team wants to give back? Here are a couple points to consider:

  1. Establish right from the get-go that your business is about helping people
  2. Find the right charities and organisations that mean something to your team
  3. Be there physically to get involved with the community
  4. Don’t make it about getting your name out there

Want to hear more about Clarke & Humel’s story? Read our full interview with Michael here. 

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