Categories: Opinion

The Lowdown on Facebook Ads

3 December 2020

Written by Acme Mag

When it comes to advertising through Facebook Ads, there’s numerous aspects you need to carefully consider to give you desired results. It’s important to know that when you’re creating promotional content on social media platforms, that things have changed. Here are some points to be aware of before you create your next property ad on Facebook.

Audience Size

When creating an audience, it’s ideal to find the people who will interact with your ad the most. These are the people who already know of you and have shown an interest in you – it makes sense to advertise to them. The best place to start to find these people is your database. However, Facebook does not recommend targeting a small database. It’s now highly recommended you have an audience size of at least 50,000. Unless your database is over this number, your ad may struggle to deliver good results. Consider creating a look-a-like audience. This is a feature on Facebook where it takes your existing database and will find similar users to build a new effective audience.


If your database is too small, we suggest targeting through geographic locations and interests instead. Through this feature, you can target a larger pool of users ensuring they’re in your area but also interested in housing. However, if you’re looking to target those outside of Australia, you will have to put your ad under a ‘housing’ category. This is due to Facebook’s policies overseas. Although you can still target geographically, it’s important to note that there is a reduction on what interests you can target.


Your budget is too low.” This might be a warning sign that pops up when setting up your ads. One thing Facebook definitely recommends is that if you have a low budget, set it over a shorter amount of time. If you’re looking to only spend $25, this can not be spread over a month. Try a day or two! Consider testing different durations with your spend and see what can give you the best results.


When looking to get results from your ad promotions, remember to set realistic goals. Good results don’t happen overnight. Be sure to keep an eye on your ads and monitor their performance. Remember, Facebook has restrictions in place. If your ads don’t get enough conversions in a day period, the ad may go into ‘learning limited’ which can reduce your ads effectiveness. When creating your ads it isn’t set and forget! You will need to consistently review your results and evaluate what is and isn’t working.

If your ad is getting results but you want to push it further, consider increasing your ad spend to enhance your results.

On the other hand if your ad isn’t working, it might be a good idea to stop the ad and test new ad content. Remember, when it comes to social media promotions, policies and processes are changing constantly. Our recommendation is, be patient and don’t be afraid to try new audiences, duration or even change up your ad content.

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