Categories: Opinion

Be the Role Model

27 July 2023

Josh Phegan

Real Estate Speaker, Trainer and Coach

The future is what you make it. You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. Every market makes a market, what market is this one making? The one we make.

It’s time for a new conversation that sets you free and on the course of achieving what you want out of life. Renowned author Jim Collins discusses this through the Hedgehog Concept – the ultimate intersection of life. While I’ve tweaked them, he outlines we can find our focus by answering three questions:

  1. What can we learn to love to do?
  2. What can get paid really well for?
  3. What can we become the best in the world at?

In life, you have a choice between the common enemy approach or the role model approach. In the common enemy approach, we aim to outclass our competitors at every move. We know how much they charge, what they say, and how they sell. You’re constantly obsessed with them and what they do. It’s a powerful source of fuel. But once you win, then what?

Alternatively, the role model approach is all about leading by example. How do you become the best in the world at generating leads, filming incredible videos for your properties, selling all of your listings, and building a winning team? You need to see yourself as a leader and a teacher.

In the New World, It’s Market Share Growth.

Earning income is a great thing. Growing your production is also a great thing. It’s either a system or a person. If the size of the market changes, then you must adapt too. It’s not about the 500 homes in your area; it’s about the number of properties that sell every year over the ten-year trend line. The best don’t just chase data, they also build strong relationships with that data. With third-party data sources in play, data has become equal for many. What’s not equal is what they do with that data.

Just listed/sold every business day allows you to drive relevance with your buyer/sellers, market appraisals, past clients and landlords. Every time you see a listing or a sale by any agent, who does it impact? Items of value are changing. From annual comparative market analysis (CMA’s) to weekly pulses of what’s trading. For future buyers/sellers, they can see what’s new to market similar to theirs and what’s been sold, which guides them on future pricing, to the aspirational property they could buy, and what it makes, providing insights on when’s the right time to make their move.

If you’re going to be the best in the world at what you do, your rhythms and routines must set you free. Basics change the game. Think of daily directions meeting every morning to guide today’s activities. Think of chasing three appointments per day. Think of working every listing to a strict set of activities to guarantee the sales result. Consider day 9, when every property must have a second appointment. Simple changes to dialogue like, ‘Would you like to see it again?’ in your open home callback changes everything. By day 14, every property must have an offer. ‘Based on what you’ve seen, what do you feel it’s worth?’, ‘we’re guiding X; do you see value at that level?’ and ‘Would you like to own it?’. I know it sounds simple, but if done well, you adjust and keep your campaign on track. What you do when things are quiet makes all the difference when things get busy.

Dominate in Digital.

When the customer searches for you in the digital world, what comes up? You need a strategy from your Google Business Profile to your social media landing pages. Your future customer asks three simple questions.

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. How can you help?

Brand differentiation is about understanding what separates and differentiates you in the market. Great property videos are the battleground for perception. Think of a 30 second preview reel shot in portrait for off-market, just before launch. A 1:30 feature trailer, shot in both landscape and portrait for the major real estate portals, which goes live on your socials as the property launches, then a sold 30 second reel with all the key campaign stags.

If you list and sell five properties a month, there are 15 pieces of film to demonstrate your social proof.

The Best Question.

Are you doing everything you can to dominate your market? It’s such a great question as it forces you to examine if you were your potential customer. Would you use you? You must brand, package and market yourself to be desirable to your marketplace. Consistency always wins in business. One simple 45 minute call session to start every business day allows you to dominate. Get back face-to-face with the people that matter, drive up your appointment numbers, and get back to 3 face to face appointments a day, and you’ll have so much business that you’ll be forced to grow a team.

Remember, it’s never the market; it’s how you set forth a series of actions that allow you to win the hearts and minds of the consumers you wish to serve.

Want to hear more from Josh? Buy your tickets to Blueprint 2023 now. 

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