Categories: Opinion

Tone Time

4 September 2020

Written by Acme Mag

In the big scheme of things, real estate processes are essentially the same from agency to agency. If homeowners are expecting the same outcome from agents, what is setting agencies apart?

Brand tone, also known as tone of voice, is one of the biggest differentiators for businesses. Tone of voice in the marketing and brand sense refers to images, sound, messaging (copy) and other brand assets that create a specific tone or feel for a brand. Similar to how body language and vocal tone in people impacts how we interpret others, so too does tone affect how people interpret marketing.

Many brands and businesses assume that copy is enough to build brand tone, however it’s not so straightforward. It’s the businesses and brands that imbue their entire service, experience and advertising with a honed sense of personality that succeed in setting their band apart from the competition.

“Many brands and businesses assume that copy is enough to build brand tone.”

Steps to effective tone

Targeted Tone

Messaging liked by the masses is hard to do and shouldn’t be your goal either. Brand tone works best when targeted to your audience as it allows for stronger connections, so ensure you’re clear with your target market demographics and ‘tone accordingly’. For example, agencies that operate in considerably affluent city ring suburbs would have a different tone to those in regional areas.


In addition to being targeted, brand tone needs to be consistent throughout all areas of the brand. Remember, this applies to messaging (copy) but also visuals, sounds, and the overall ‘vibe’.


As real estate is a service industry, tone can be further elevated through recruiting the right people who share the same values and ‘tone’ as your agency.


To ensure your business is on the right path to successful brand tone, we recommend creating a brand strategy that can sit alongside your style guide.

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