Categories: Opinion

Vision & Mission

2 December 2019

Written by Acme Mag

The words Vision and Mission are often buried within strategic plans for agencies, but what do they mean for the real estate professionals on the front line, and furthermore, are they all the same thing?

To answer the latter question simply, they’re not all the same. So let’s break down the definition of a Vision and Mission.


This is best considered to be your ‘what’. It’s essentially a statement that propositions you for where you want to be in the future, typically projecting to a few years time. A Vision depends on thinking beyond day-to-day activities in a clear, memorable way, making it ideal to know at all levels of an organisation/team to actively move towards higher goals.


The Mission describes the current state of an organisation/team and its primary goals or objectives. It provides detailed information about what the group does, how it does it, and who it does it for. Unlike a Vision, it is short-term in nature. However, it is related to the Vision as it outlines the key goals that will help to achieve the future (Vision) the organisation aspires to.

For those who are familiar with the concepts of Vision and Mission, you may be wondering “wait, where do values come into this?”


Values are fundamental beliefs upon which an organisation, agency and/or team and its behaviour are based. They are the guiding principles that are used to manage internal affairs as well as relationships with customers.


Now that we’ve covered definitions, let’s get to the pressing question – what do the Mission and Vision mean for real estate professionals on the front line?

Too often, the Mission and Vision for an organisation are left in the hands of management without being communicated to all levels of employees, meaning that organisations are risking the likelihood of reaching their objectives that are outlined in the Mission and Vision. When the Mission and Vision is communicated, so too is a road-map that can be followed by everyone. This ‘road-map’ communicates the purpose of the organisation to all and provides inspiration to achieve that purpose.

Although these goals are typically the goals of the organisation, success for one usually means success for all – leading to promotion opportunities, career satisfaction and certainty. That’s what the Vision and Mission mean for real estate professionals of all levels.

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