Categories: Opinion

Work-Life Balance – It’s Possible!

21 July 2023

Written by Acme Mag

Across almost every industry in Australia, work-life balance is a concept that many find hard to get a grasp on, but never is that more prevalent than in real estate. When weekends are for open homes, how can you find the time to actually stop and unwind? We’re all looking for ways to have balance in every aspect of our life, but when the real estate market is constantly shifting, it can be hard to get your priorities in order.

Ultimately, it’s a give and take. To perform the best at work, you still need to stay healthy in your mind and body, and that means taking time for yourself. To enjoy your personal life, you need to be able to know work can wait till later. Wilton Lemke Stewart (Managing Director Jess Wilton, and Directors Tom Lemke and Nick Stewart) understand this and the key value it plays in their business.

“For us, having balance allows us to leverage off each other. It gives us the capability to think of longevity in our business. It’s a marathon, not a sprint,” says Jesse.

“For me, it’s the time I need to myself and the time I need with my family that makes me happy. I think just becoming more aware of that work-life balance is so important. You know what holidays you need every year – you know where you need to go.”

For WLS, the key is trust and allowing their team to find what works for them. Although the boys are now directors, WLS has been on the other side. Working their way up to starting their own agency has given them the perspective needed to create a balanced environment.

“Previously where I was working, they’d call me if I wasn’t in the office and basically say where I am? What are you doing? I know how that made me feel, so I wouldn’t want it either,” says Tom.

At the end of the day, WLS understands as long as the costs are covered and there’s a profit margin, people can have flexibility. This means when people roll in for work they’re focused, calm, and ready to hit the ground running. Allowing people to ultimately be more productive.

“If the business is ticking on, all options are on the table. As we’ve interviewed more people, we can tell it’s becoming more and more important. We’re open to options. We don’t want to feel like we’re forcing people to be in the office,” says Jesse. 

If you’ve been working 12-hour days and staying back late to ‘get ahead’, don’t worry. We’ve put together a few tried and true tips to allow you to experience more aspects of life outside of the office. Try the following:

It’s okay to say no

Whether in your work or personal life, remember it’s okay to say no. If you feel you want to spend a day on the couch relaxing, it’s okay to say no to your friend’s plans and stay in. If you have to say no to a work task, this doesn’t mean you don’t want it. It just means you don’t have the time right now. Saying no is about taking back your time in the day. It’s about not working late to meet unrealistic deadlines. Give yourself that space between the office and plans with family or friends so you can switch off that work part of your brain. 

Be productive, not busy

Often, feeling busy equates to feeling productive. You can feel overwhelmed when you may just need to take a step back to make sure you’re spending time on the right things. Look at how you can prioritise your to-do list and if there’s anything you can delegate because remember your team is there to help you. You won’t know unless you ask. There are methods such as scheduling focus time, that can ensure you block out enough time to manage yourself. 

Listen to your mind and body

Healthy habits can depend from person to person. It could focus on healthy eating, fitness, relaxation time, staying organised, even keeping a journal, or all of them at once. Ultimately it comes from finding what makes you happy and healthy. If you find going for a run resets your brain, build it into your routine. Your mental and physical health is important so ensure you prioritise it. 

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