Categories: Spotlight

A Case Study: Nicholls & Co

19 April 2023

Written by Acme Mag

Sometimes in the industry, we need to take the time to review how far we’ve come and really work out – with intention – where we’re going next. After working for several years as an independent agency, Cam Nicholls of Nicholls & Co decided it was time to not only refresh the look of his brand, but the marketing options available to clients too. Good marketing plays a crucial role in real estate, and Cam says in order to stand out amongst a sea of competitors, marketing has never been more crucial than it is now.

“I’ve always thought marketing wins in this industry and as an independent agency competing against much larger franchises, with better known names,  if we don’t demand attention we will be left in the corner,” Cam says.

Nicholls & Co’s slogan is ‘pushing the boundaries’, which Cam says encompasses a marketing-led approach to doing business in a unique way. To be able to look at what the competition is doing well, and to take the time to really identify how it can be done better.

“Pushing the boundaries means to challenge the status quo with every traditional norm. In a crowded industry, Nicholls & Co doesn’t want to be put in the bucket saying all agents are the same.”

Cam has worked tirelessly to get out of the bucket, working with Identity Marketing to redevelop his brand from the ground up. As well as this, they’ve worked together to create a new set of marketing options for clientele to choose from. Since launching the brand refresh, Cam says he’s received nothing but positive feedback from both clientele and the industry itself. 

“In these early stages of the launch campaign, brand awareness has been through the roof. Most feedback is coming through social media and has mostly been things like ‘love the new look’ etc. We’ve also heard of agents from other businesses commenting on how good our new marketing looks.”

Lead Designer
Bianca Sawyer

Identity Marketing

The new slate of marketing options is selected, intentional, designed to really cut through the clutter of the market. When we asked what his favourite pieces were, Cam says he’s spoilt for choice. 

“It’s way too hard to choose so I’ll unashamedly name three: our brand elements (brandmark, colours, fonts), our signboards, and our unique brochure sleeves.”

For the rest of 2023, Nicholls and Co is looking to use marketing to empower people moving forward. This means both clients and team members alike. 

“We’re looking at empowering everyone in the team to look at everything we do in terms of marketing, processes, and admin, and always thinking if there is a better way to do things. We all have the power to innovate if we apply a different way of thinking.” 

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Acme is Australia’s first real estate marketing magazine and has an ever growing subscription base of real estate and property development professionals.

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