Categories: Spotlight

Marketing That Just Clicks With Clique Creative

23 February 2024

Written by Acme Mag

Operating in Adelaide since 2011, Clique Creative has become a one-stop-shop when it comes to everything real estate marketing. Looking for photography, videography, floorplans, 3D renders, and more? Clique has you covered. Acme spoke to Managing Director Zoe Coates, about why she chose real estate as her niche, the importance of a good photoshoot, and how she’s helped agencies perform.

Acme: Tell us a bit about how your business started. How did you end up choosing real estate as your niche?

Zoe: I founded Clique Creative in 2011 after working with numerous photographers both in Adelaide and interstate. My passion for property and architecture, which has persisted since then, became the driving force behind Clique Creative — a boutique real estate marketing brand committed to delivering premium real estate photography and video services to businesses throughout South Australia.

Over the years, our brand has undergone a transformative journey. Today, Clique Creative has a dedicated team of over 30 members. Our focus has broadened considerably and our clientele now includes builders, architects, interior designers, and other key players in the corporate arena.

Ultimately though, people and property are at the heart of what I love – real estate is an exciting industry and no one day is the same as another.

Acme: So what types of services do you offer? Are any real estate specific?

Zoe: At its core, Clique Creative excels in delivering consistent, high-quality photography, videography, floor plans, and aerial imagery. The service we offer is personalised and tailored to individual agents, their teams and agencies. We work with our clients to ensure their own style is reflected in their marketing – an agent and their brand are what vendors and buyers are drawn to after all – the agent credibility and element of trust is paramount.

Acme: What sets your shoots apart from your competitors?

Zoe: I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I’ve been in the industry longer than most! I understand what’s required to make a property come to life, to have its essence captured through photography and video. This is a sentiment held by the whole team too. 

Acme: What do you value the most from clients when undergoing a shoot?

Zoe: We value the freedom to be creative, establishing the trust with our clients that we’re going to do our utmost to ensure the imagery we capture or the video we create will be on trend, the angles are appropriate and the lighting is spot on. When a home is presented well, with minimal clutter, it helps us to be clear headed and focus on what we’re there to do – capture beautiful imagery.

“On the whole, showcasing a property for sale is about presenting it in its best light – great photos and videos allow a potential buyer to emotionally connect to a home. The composition, editing and storytelling is critical to accentuating the best features of a home – allowing purchasers to fully appreciate and get a good feel for the home.”

Acme: On a similar note, how do you direct agents on the day to ensure the photos are the best possible result?

Zoe: It’s important that our photographers and videographers know all the aspects of a home that need to be captured. Each home tells its own story and it’s about capturing this – whether we’re focused on the architectural elements of a home, or the unique and quirky features we’re all about collaborating with the agents to understand this and present it to potential buyers.

Acme: What sort of planning is involved with a real estate shoot? What’s the process from start to finish?

Zoe: A typical photo shoot begins well before our photographer’s arrive on the day. Our administration and booking team do a lot of ground work weeks beforehand with the agents and their support teams, to ensure everything is ready to go come shoot day. Our photographers will either meet with agents or vendors on site, and spend some time walking around, getting to know the vendor where appropriate, discussing things they love about their home. Once it’s time to shoot, we will typically spend anywhere from one to three hours onsite capturing imagery, floor plan and video.

Sometimes the vendors stay, sometimes they don’t. At times homes are vacant and it’s very quiet! Our photographers will then run through the raw files at the end of the shoot and send through their selected images to our editing team. All marketing will be delivered the following day by our administration.

Acme: Finally, do you have any examples of how a photoshoot has helped an agency’s performance?

Zoe: We had an agency come onboard with Clique in a regional area of Adelaide. After their first photoshoot, the agent was walking down the main street and multiple people stopped them to talk about the photos of the property they just launched as they looked so different from their marketing in the past. They then had a record amount of people come through the open inspection and it sold for a record price.

We have worked with agencies before and produced photography and video that we have then relicensed to builders/ architects and tourism magazines. We’re working to push the envelope when it comes to real estate.

Want to read more articles with creatives in the industry? Check out our interview with Flip Films.

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