Categories: Question Time

Feature Question: What Are You Doing to Maintain a ‘Personal Touch’ in the Age of Social Distancing?

6 June 2020

In a period of unprecedented physical and mental distance, it’s still important to find ways those in the real estate industry to find ways to really connect with our clientele. Keeping this mind, we asked the question: What are you doing to maintain a ‘personal touch’ in the age of social distancing?

Nathan Najib

Najib Real Estate, NZ

The last 7-8 weeks have certainly been different, as you may already know here in New Zealand we went into a full lockdown for almost 5 weeks. The whole team was working from home with daily zoom meetings and virtual appraisals as we literally couldn’t do anything. Even settlements were pushed for 10 days after we come out of lockdown which has been a great move although I don’t want to speak too soon, it looks like we have this Coronavirus contained. Assuming it stays this way our real estate economy will come out the other end pretty good considering how bad it’s around the world unfortunately. 

We have just come out of doing business social distancing, we had viewings only through private inspections and one-on-one appraisals, in the office some of our team were working from home  others in the office, obviously, those in the office worked with precautions in place. As of today, we are getting pretty close to semi-normal open homes and auctions. Last few weeks have certainly been different, however, a benefit of this is that I got to spend a lot of time training the team, working on the business and reading a lot of books. Let’s hope we have contained this horrible virus and we can get back to normal soon as possible.

Louise Lupton

Lupton Ferguson, VIC

We at Lupton Ferguson Real Estate are embracing change in the age of social distancing by using this time to make contact with all of our clients to ensure they are coping ok during Covid19 and offering any assistance we can, especially to our elderly clients who do not have family to assist with essential supplies.  Lupton Ferguson is also providing updated virtual appraisals of properties that have already been appraised and may be considering coming to market in the near future. All online properties have had personal “walk through” videos filmed to assist buyers prior to attending a private inspection.  Our team has adjusted amazingly well and continues to stay motivated by supporting one another.

Ash Weston

Ray White, VIC

Constant communication is key to being able to maintain a personal relationship. We are getting on the phones to clients to check in and ask them how they’re going. We want the people in our community to know that we are here with them, we’re local and being a young and dynamic team we want to do everything we can to assist our community members in these times of need. We’re asking for them to reach out to our team, so we can assist anyone who may be immuno-compromised or at risk and needs help with pick ups, drop offs, grocery shopping or any other tasks that we can assist with. In terms of maintaining the culture within the business we are having daily huddles via Google Hangouts, weekly virtual team meetings and weekly virtual Friday night games. It’s a great way for the team to stay in touch, have a bit of fun and keep the great connections that we have built with one another.

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